Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker cheat codes:
Press [~] during game play to display the console window and type
DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode.
Then, press [~] again and press [Tab] to view the debug commands.
Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You can enter one of the
following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the cheat
function. The message "Success" will confirm correct code entry.
If the message "Entered Target Mode" appears, click on the desired
character to apply the cheat.
If you alter your character, load the "nwnplayer.ini" file in the game
folder and set the following lines in order to continue past the module you
are currently on:
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Cheats: (case sensitive)(X is a number)
SetCHA X - Sets your Charisma
SetSTR X - Sets your Strength
SetINT X - Sets your Intelligence
SetWIS X - Sets your Wisdom
SetCON X - Sets your Constitution
dm_givegold X - Gives the X amount of gold to you
GetLevel X - Raises you an additional X amount of levels
dm_god - Makes you invulneralble
dm_heal - Full health
GiveXP # - Give # amount of experience points
SetDEX x - Set Dexterity attribute
dm_givelevel x - Set character level
dm_mylittlepony - Ride a hobby horse
dm_cowsfromhell - Killer flying cows
ModSaveFort - Set character's fortitude save modifier
ModSaveReflex - Set character's reflex save modifier
ModSaveWill - Set character's will save modifier
ModSpellResistance x - Set character's spell resistance modifier
SetAge x - Set character's age
SetAttackBase x - Set character's base attack
SetAppearance race - Change character's race (human, elf, etc.)
816 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]