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Проверенных цитат: 31254 | На проверке: 2 | Модераторов: 1

#28078 | Утвердил: Vova | 22.08.12 | Рейтинг: + [ -1 ] -

Faith: Heya

Aazimar: Hola, mike.

Faith: Hey, aaz. What the hell is that "Nya"

Faith: ?

Uga-uga: He he, i know)

Aazimar: O'rly?)

Uga-uga: Yep. "Nya" its from the medieval period of Russia

Uga-uga: In ancient centuries, Russian soldiers used a word "Nya" as the warcry.

Uga-uga: Battling to the enemy, cutting somebody on pieces, burning out the next village

Uga-uga: they always shouted "Beat! Cut! Burn down! BLOOD! NYAA!!"

Uga-uga: my sister told me that...

Faith: O_O oh dear... your nation is strange, Aazy...

Aazimar: Yep, we like to burn villages.... So fear us! Nyahahahaha @_@

*Faith has left.

*Uga-uga has left.

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