#19056 | Утвердил: Vova | 22.08.12 | Рейтинг: + [ -5 ] -
Deten: Цитирую! >> The new super computer - Jaguar. It's comprised of over 45,000 quad-core Opteron processors, 362TB of RAM, and has a 10PB (petabyte) storage array, able to perform calculations at a massive 1.64 petaflops.
Krillian: Даже и не знаю, что еще мне добавить :)
Deten: Погоди, цитирую комментарии:
Temo: I need two.
bob sakamano: will they be releasing a netbook sized version of this anytime soon?
Allislost: Can i get a discount for bulk orders?
Steve Childs: Sod Crysis, will it run Vista?
Liv: screw Crysis... this monster can divide by zero and... dare I say it... succeed! *gasp*
icepop4who: too bad Chuck Norris is still faster